Ramadhan And Lactating Mothers

This is a good article for fasting lactating mothers..



Breastfeeding safety for the baby while on fasting has been a common question question for lactating mothers. They want to know if the increased release of toxins will hurt the baby. It is certain that fasting increases toxins in the mother’s milk and whatever is in the blood ends up in the milk in trace amounts. The baby does have an immune system. Will there be damage, possibly. But, the greater question is, why be labeled insane. Friends and family will think you are a crazy heretic who does not care about her child. That is unwise. They will not even want to understand. All your pleading for understanding and logic will fall on deaf ears. Where there is a will there is a way and you and your baby will both be blessed with the joy of health.

Fasting Recommendations

If you need to fast due to health problems, then juice fast with the addiction of 7 to 10 egg whites per day. Include 2 tablespoons of essential fatty acids, (fax and hemp mixture is good) vitamin E and a multi B vitamin.

Breastfeeding Diet Recommendations

Here is a simple method to supply the maximum amount of balanced nutrition for both you and the child and allow you to lose weight gained during pregnancy.

  • Drink fresh juice daily.
  • Have some veggie juice with 5 blended egg whites.
  • Make nut milks and drink1 glasses per day.
  • Powder some nuts and add them to the salad or add some tuna to the salad.
  • Take essential oils 2-3 tablespoons per day or make a salad dressing with it.
  • Eat one small salad with several vegetables to get a wide spectrum of nutrients.
  • Eat fruit salads daily.

Breastfeeding and Fasting Research

Breastfeeding research tells us that short-term fasting (not eating) will not decrease milk supply, but that severe dehydration can decrease milk supply.

There have been a few studies on short-term fasting and breastfeeding. Prentice et. al. studied women in West Africa who were fasting for Ramadan (no food or fluids between 5:00 am and 7:30 pm) and found that milk volume was not affected but milk composition did change to a certain extent. The researchers noted that the women appeared to super hydrate themselves overnight when fluids were allowed to lessen daytime dehydration.

Research in the United States by Neville et. al., Neville & Oliva-Rasbach and Tigas et. al. also showed no significant decrease in milk supply after a short water fast. The breastfeeding woman’s body makes several metabolic adaptations during short-term fasting to ensure that milk production is not affected.

opt: henley

By Tom Coghill of Fasting.ws

Articles  may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to fasting.ws are intact and the author’s name is included.

68000, Ampang

12 thoughts on “Ramadhan And Lactating Mothers

  1. * Drink fresh juice daily.
    * Have some veggie juice with 5 blended egg whites.
    * Make nut milks and drink1 glasses per day.
    * Powder some nuts and add them to the salad or add some tuna to the salad.
    * Take essential oils 2-3 tablespoons per day or make a salad dressing with it.
    * Eat one small salad with several vegetables to get a wide spectrum of nutrients.
    * Eat fruit salads daily.

    susah jugak nak wat sume nih….

    Yang saya lakukan, makan kurma bebanyak, dan minum air banyak waktu malam…

    (banyak bukan berlebihan yea)

  2. Assalamualaikum.

    Dlm blog ustaz , carta mgatakan
    Risau kan diri sendiri = qadha
    Risau diri & anak = qadha
    Risau kan anak = qadha & Fidyah.

    Betul ke? Setau saya if risau kan diri+anak = qadha + fidyah.

    • @Juanita,

      Assalamualaikum. Ada baiknya soalan ini ditanya di blog saya. Penjelasannya ada di al-Mughni 3/139, al-Majmu’ 6/295, Tabyin al-Haqa’iq 1/336 bahawa fidyah hanya dikenakan apabila punca berbuka puasa ia faktor secondary (anak) dan bukan diri sendiri

  3. Anaks aya baru berumur 3 bln. Kena minum air byk dan mkn kurma byk sbb buat EBM lagi. Kadang rase pening juga sbb kena jalan2 turun site.

    Tapi..insyaALLAH,muga dimudahkan urusan oleh ALLAH SWT sbb nak full BF anak.

  4. assalamualaikum,

    ummu abdullah, ummu saif, betul tu. kalau tgk list tu mmg tak larat nak buat semua. saya pun sekarang amalkan mcm ummu saif buat. makan kurma byk2, dan usahakan minum air banyak2 waktu malam. cuma kat luar negara ni susah nak dptkan bekalan kurma. ada pun mahal, jadi berjimat cermat time makan. huhu.

    ini first ramadhan saya with my son. dah 9 bulan. tapi taknak langsung makan solids. dah introduce sikit2. tapi dia tak nak makan sgt. saya full BFing dari awal lagi, jadi skrg pun sumber makanan dia hanya susu jela.

    mencabar sgt rasa ramadhan kali ni sbb baby dah pandai merangkak, cruising, pendek kata tak duduk diam. kalau kita ikut rentak dia, mmg boleh dehydration. tapi alhamdulillah Allah mudahkan semuanya setakat ni. Alhamdulillah 🙂

  5. salam dr muna,

    saya seorang ibu mengandung, 4 bulan dan berkerja. saya teringin nak tahu pengalaman dan ilmu BF untuk ibu berkerja. Tidak dapat bayangan lagi. dan baby pulak akan ditinggalkan di nursery. adakah kemungkinan azam saya untuk full BF tercapai?

    terima kasih.

  6. Pingback: Mengapa Ramadan Kita Tidak Berkesan | Saifulislam.Com 2.0

  7. Pingback: Mengapa Ramadan Kita Tidak Berkesan | Tanyalah Ustaz

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